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The Passion for Nat Ure

Writer's picture: Joao CandeiasJoao Candeias

Updated: May 30, 2023

Nat Ure is a man who has many children, and takes care of them as best he can. He hasn't had an easy life, mainly because one of her youngest children is a little more misbehaving than the others, sometimes setting a bad example for her siblings, hurting them or dragging them into her mischief.

Despite his age and some hardships, he maintains a spirit that is both youthful and resilient; however, he has resigned himself to the fact that he needs help with some tasks.

His most restless son grew up and became more arrogant than the others, and despite constantly trying to educate and warn him, he does not believe in drastic measures and believes that only by appealing to his conscience and the visible effects on his own family, he will do so. change your attitude in the future.

This little fable intends to exemplify how Nature (personified by Nat Ure) has problems in educating one of her children (Humanity), and that if it is unsuccessful, her family will continue to suffer.The form of help we can provide exists in various forms and has various motivations.

Some of the motivations may be the following:

- Need, sense of community, feeling of belonging to space, memory, feeling of well-being, physical activity, love for plants and animals, beauty, feeling of doing something useful, applying notions of sustainability and ecology

In terms of the ways in which we can intervene, some examples are:

- taking care of community and degraded spaces, planting trees, a more conscious attitude towards the environment by changing some habits, educating for regeneration and for a more natural rhythm, connection with what surrounds you and feeling the benefits of a life in harmony.

By connecting more with nature, we are able to perceive the therapeutic effects not only on a physical level (such as exercise, movement or breathing) but also psychologically and emotionally. It allows us to better use the 5 senses, and becoming more alert to what surrounds us, it also helps us to understand ourselves and ourplace at all.

The time and rhythm of Nature is somewhat out of step with that of the world today. Apart from the sun's cycle and reliance on meteorology, many of the natural cycles have already been altered or forgotten.

The simple act of gardening or taking care of a plant or tree allows us to get a sense of the rhythm of birth, growth and even death of another being, in a very close way in a physical context and at the same time more or less distant on an emotional level. . It's a rare person who mourns the loss of a plant, many are sad for animals and almost all cry for other people. In addition, it conveys a sense of responsibility on a scale that we can interpret.

In the same way that pain is sometimes felt when the problem has spread and manifests itself more acutely, the importance of taking care of Nature or your body requires regular attention and time to reflect.The balance is not always easy to find, but humanity has to adapt to Nature and not the other way around, as Nat Ure has been here for many more years, has more experience and has more powerful resources.

Reference: Krasny and Tidball. Civic Ecology.

Concepts: biophilia; topophilia; ecology; emotions

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